Sips at the Station

Ardsley Station 102 E Victory Dr, Savannah, GA, United States

Hosted by Ardsley Station, Savannah Master Calendar, and Simply Savannah Marketing, admission is a $10 donation and includes a complimentary beverage from Ardsley Station’s special bar menu and an assortment of unique, off-menu, hors d’oeuvres, all while enjoying live music. Raffle tickets are also available […]

Overcoming the Odds

Fighting against food insecurity

69% of people we serve

69% of people we serve

choose between food and utilities

66% of our clients

66% of our clients

choose between food and medicine or medical care

64% of children

64% of children

In Coastal Georgia go hungry everyday

57% of people we serve

57% of people we serve

choose between food and adequate housing

We need you

Join our mission. Make a difference.

Together we will make a difference across southeast Georgia

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